Many students love to travel. Visiting new countries allows them to take a break from the academic routine and relax. But not all young people know which countries to visit first. You are probably sitting over an open map and thinking, “Where should I go during the holidays? Which country will I choose now? This dilemma is relevant for many young people who love travel. But don’t worry: here are the 6 best student-friendly countries to visit on a budget.


Peru is student-friendly, especially when it comes to the financial side. Prices for accommodation in local hotels are quite low, so you are unlikely to spend a lot of money. Local food is also very tasty, especially meat dishes and salads. But hotel accommodation and culinary nuances are not the main reason to visit Peru. The main motivation for young people lies in their magnificent nature.
Surely you will get incredible aesthetic pleasure, climbing the mountain and contemplating the landscapes around you. You can also visit Machu Picchu and see how people built rock cities thousands of years ago. Local guides will be happy to take you to the ancient ruins and even give you a tour.
New Zealand

As a student, you should visit New Zealand. This island country is famous for Peter Jackson and his amazing films. In addition, the local nature is so unique that you can hardly find a better place to stray away from the academic routine. Visit Hobbiton and see the filming locations of The Lord of the Rings. Check out the national reserves and local beaches. Some of the coastlines are made up of high cliffs, so you are sure to take many good pictures and have a good time.
Faroe Islands

And here is the most non-obvious travel tip for most students. Visit the Faroe Islands if you are a fan of meditative relaxation, cold fjords, and solitude in a house on the coast. Local entrepreneurs provide many secluded houses far from civilization. Here you can enjoy pure nature and forget about the academic routine.
By the way, students can rent a boat and arrange a cruise around the islands. Almost every city has a marina, restaurant, or other places to relax, so you are sure to have a good time.

Mexico is a great country for tourists, especially if you live in the USA. Local prices are quite reasonable, and the cuisine is truly divine. In addition, you will surely be glad to see the old streets, colorful cafes, and squares where festivals take place weekly. This country will let you forget about exams and everyday college routines.
Instead, you will enjoy your food, drinks, local attractions, and tourist walks in ancient cities. Surely you will like this pastime more than attending classes.

Thailand has beaches, parties, cheap street food, and pleasant people. Here you can easily relax as a student and not spend a lot. Many local entrepreneurs rent out accommodation on Airbnb, so you can easily find apartments even in the center of the capital! In addition, there are many amazing temples, ancient buildings, and even catacombs in Thailand, where tourists can descend. You will also appreciate the rainforests and national parks.
Local guides will give you a tour for a small fee, which is especially important for students. However, you can say no to all activities and lie on the beach, drinking juice. For such lazy dreams to become a reality, you should delegate your assignments in advance. Find a reliable writing service, and you won’t have to worry about your grades.

Italy is a paradise for tourists, especially if you are young and energetic. Start your journey with beaches, vibrant dance floors, and concert halls. This country hosts weekly festivals, big parties, and social activities. But you can also visit Rome, Florence, Parma and other cities for sightseeing. There are many historical sights, old narrow streets, beautiful courtyards, and dams.
Even fans of meditative relaxation will be delighted with the local beauties. Book a rooftop dinner in Rome and enjoy panoramic bird’s eye views of the city. However, planning such activities can take a lot of time, so you better delegate some of your papers in advance. Find a reliable writing service (check out writepaper reviews), and you won’t have to worry about your paper routine. Additionally, do your research and check out domyessay reviews as well.
In a Nutshell
As you can see, there are plenty of student-friendly overseas countries that you should visit. All the above places are ideal for those who are tired of the daily routine and want something new. Due to affordable prices, beautiful scenery, and friendly people, most students will feel great in the above countries. You need to plan your route and consider all the nuances so that your trip is not associated with force majeure or unpleasant moments.