Pittsburgh Steelers fans are going bananas over the fact that Kennywood Park will have an entire section dedicated to the team. And, with every new detail that’s been announced, I’m more and more excited to check it out for myself. Until then, we do have several fun details to keep us entertained. Here’s the scoop on what we know about Kennywood Steelers Country to help you plan for opening day including details on The Steel Curtain.

Update: Since this article was written, I received an update that several things have changed about Steelers Country. The Entry Tunnel, Splash Pad, and secondary outdoor food stand have been removed. The tailgate Patio is still a go, there will just not be a walk-up food stand. I wanted to leave the article as is, so so can read about what’s changed.
Living in the Pittsburgh area, there’s absolutely no way to no see Pittsburgh Steelers tributes everywhere we go. Folks in my area wear Steelers jerseys and t-shirts year round. Head to The Strip District and there are entire stores dedicated to the sports teams with a heavy focus on football. So, honestly, it’s no surprise that the love of the team has made its way into one of my favorite theme parks for a collaboration.
Yes, there are plenty of details yet to be released, but I received concept art images and details to keep me happy until the official opening date.
What Is Steelers Country?
In a nutshell, it’s an area in Kennywood Park dedicated to the Pittsburgh Steelers and its fans. Once you burst through the famous entry tunnel (would it be a Pittsburgh view without one?), you’ll feel like it’s game day at the stadium. We’ll have opportunities to be part of all of the well-loved game moments including practice drills and touchdown dances. There will also be opportunities to check out game day scores and highlights on giant screens. And, we’ll have the chance to buy exclusive merchandise during our visits, too.
Also of note, Steelers Country will highlight both the past and present team history. If you’ve had the chance to see the seats for The Steel Curtain coaster, you know they have numbers for prominent players. LOVE that!
For the kiddos, concept art is showing a Steelers’ themed splash pad, so make sure to bring a change of clothes when you visit.

Where Will Steelers Country Be Located?
When I visited Kennywood for its 2018 Holiday Lights last year, Steelers Country was well on its way to being completed. If you’re familiar with the park, it’s going to be past Kennywood Racers on the right. Remember the Log Jammer that was retired a couple of seasons ago? It will be in that area.

The Steel Curtain Coaster Details
When completed and running, The Steel Curtain roller coaster will break three records:
- World’s Tallest Inversion of 197 feet
- Most Inversions in North America – 9
- Tallest Roller Coaster in Pennsylvania: 220 Feet
In addition to those three, there are more fun numbers to get excited over:
- Lift Hill Angle: 50 Degrees
- Top Speed 75 MPH
- Passengers: 24
- Maximum Drop: 215 Feet
- Track Length: 4,000 Feet
- Ride Duration: 2 Minutes

The Steelers Experience
A one-of-a-kind, multi-level training facility, it will be an indoor experience. With the idea of putting guests right on the field (and right in the middle of the fun), there will be interactive exhibits and competitive opportunities. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing the Terrible Tower. You’ll also be able to track your progress and see how you rank along with other guests with an interactive leader board.
Steelers Country Games
Just like all of Kennywood Park, there will be the chance to play games for prizes. There will be both hand and foot skills testing strength and endurance, so start warming up now. As with all of the Kennywood Park midway-style games, they’re not as difficult as, say, carnival games. And I’m sure the prizes will be Steelers’ themed.
Steelers Country Dining Options
There will be two dining options in Steelers Country. I’m going to predict that each will be massively popular, so make sure to save time for ordering food and scoring a table.
The menus haven’t been released yet, but when they are I’ll add them here.
End Zone Cafe – An indoor restaurant, the cafe will feature plenty of game day menu items.
Tailgate Patio – An outdoor dining area featuring a “playful twist” on tailgate picnics.
Kennywood Park Steelers Country Opening Date
As of right now, there is no official date, only “Summer 2019”. While they may sound vague, Steelers Country is still under heavy construction. As soon as opening date is released, I’ll add it here.
For more information including summer hours and annual pass prices, head to the official Kennywood Park website.
All photos and concept art images courtesy of Kennywood Park.
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