Quick History of Omni Bedford Springs Resort
If you’ve never been to the quaint town of Bedford Springs, please put it on your travel bucket list. Filled with American history (George Washington actually called it home for a while), it’s a place that keeps drawing me back. As for Omni Bedford Springs Resort, if I could think of perfection in a couple’s getaway atmosphere, it’s there. Beautiful no matter what time of year, I’m especially a fan of it in winter when the holiday decorations are flanking the mantles, walls, and windows.
The multi-story resort was the summer home for a dozen U.S. Presidents while in office. Why, you ask? The area, with its eight different mineral springs, was considered a place to heal your body and mind. It drew not only U.S. officials but wealthier clientele looking for a natural way to cure ailments.
Present day, it’s still a gorgeous respite filled with restaurants, beautiful communal porches, and the famous Bedford Bath Ritual in its spa. During moderate temperatures, there are plenty of activities including hiking and walking trails ideal for getting some fresh air, an outdoor pool, a fire pit complete with s’mores sticks, and good old peace and quiet.
The History of the Truing of the Ring
On a visit to Omni Bedford Springs Resort in Bedford, PA, I learned a great deal about early 19th-century history and culture. Not only was the town of Bedford the headquarters for George Washington and the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794, but Bedford Springs Resort was the spot where the upper crust of society would head for relaxation, healing, and general pleasantries. Many a bride was married in Bedford during the 19th Century, and many a bride tested out their brand new ring on the wavy glass windows to check for authenticity. Okay, so now that you know what they did, let’s fill you in on why they did it. In 1867, a huge diamond mine was discovered in Cape Colony, South Africa. This discovery led to a giant influx in the diamond market, and their affordability was no longer just for royalty or the extremely wealthy. Women desired diamonds in their wedding bands, and their fiances, happy to please their brides-to-be, purchased engagement rings and bands with diamonds for them.

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