If you’re reading this, you’ve either been on a previous battle with dry, winter skin or are one of the lucky ones and have kept it at bay and want to keep it that way. No matter what the intent, the key is learning how to prevent dry skin before it even begins. Furthermore, you can use skincare products with natural ingredients link Missha, and in that case also, you’ll have a good result.
Take it from this Northern-born gal, you don’t have to spend a fortune to take advantage of these super simple ways to prevent dry skin! Here’s my best tips and hacks for combating itchy, flaky, dry skin.

Living in Northern Maine as a child, it was so easy to have dry skin for several months every winter. Combine the harsh winter with super dry air and it was a perfect combination for me digging my skin raw. Thankfully, I’ve learned a few hacks to keep myself from having super dry skin as an adult and I’m happy to share.

How to Prevent Dry Skin – Coconut Oil Is Your Friend
The more I want to use unrefined coconut oil, the more I WANT to use it. Personally, I like to use non-GMO, but you do you and use whatever you feel comfortable with.
Happily, unrefined coconut oil melts with your body heat so grab a teeny amount (a little goes a long way) and use it for:
- Dry skin patches
- Lips
- Cracked heels
Not a skin hack, but I like to warm up a little in my hand and rub it into the ends of my hair for extra softness. There’s no scent to coconut oil, either, so even if you’re not a fan of how coconut smells you’ll want to give it a try.
If you really didn’t want to use coconut oil, you do have other options out there when it comes to moisturizer. If you love custom products, you could even have your own private label body butter made for you to use.

How to Prevent Dry Skin – Dry Skin Shower Hacks
There’s two takeaways for showering in winter. First, keep your time in the shower to a minimum. I know, it’s so relaxing to stand in the hot water and breathe in the steam. But, the more you stand under that hot water, the more likely you’ll be to score a bad case of itchy, dry skin.
Second, try not to go overboard with the temperature. The hotter the water, the better the chance of needing to cure dry skin. Prevention is key, remember?
And when you get out of the shower, try a highly-moisturizing skin cream to keep your skin in check. You’ll want one with prolonged benefits, such as a CBD cream, and one that doesn’t feel icky on the skin.
For me, it’s all about the texture and how it penetrates my skin.

Plastic Bags = An Easy Dry Skin Treatment
Ok, this one’s fun, especially when you’ve got a little down time. In winter, I try to do this hack at least once a week. And I really don’t like taking pictures of my feet but I took one for the team on this hack.
After I shower or bathe, I grab four gallon-sized freezer bags and my favorite moisturizing lotion. I slather a generous amount on both feet first and cover each one with a freezer bag, zipping it closed as much as possible. I then proceed with my hands.
Yes, the last hand is a little tricky but I promise it’s worth the effort. Leaving them on anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, I sit back and read or watch t.v. and let my own body heat create a moisturizing sauna inside the bags.
Once you remove the bags, rub the lotion into your skin. You’ll be surprised at how soft your hands and feet will feel!
As for the lotion I use, I tend to go across the board, especially for seasonal scents. It’s a really great way on how to prevent dry skin.
My Secret to Healthy Facial Skin
It’s a definite mood boost to have someone tell me how young I look. And, honestly, I’ve tried loads of different facial washes but I always go back to my tried and true favorite: Baby Wash. It’s balanced so my skin doesn’t get dry in winter or oily in summer. It doesn’t leave a residue or film, and I like to use it once or twice a day.
I’m not kidding, I’ve used it since I was in high school and was really hunting a a product to wash my face with that would keep it balanced. I really like the mild scent and, love how soft it keeps my face. Bonus: it’s really inexpensive, too!
Speaking of baby wash and gentle products, sometimes commercial and chemical soaps and cleansers can do more harm than good. Try implementing natural and hydrating products in your skincare routine especially in the winter. Aloe vera oil, honey extracts as well as beneficial goat milk skincare products are all gentle and nourishing sources that can fight against dryness.
What’s your best hack for combating dry winter skin or your best “how to prevent dry skin” tip? Please let me know in the comment section below!
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