If you’re like I am, once you start collecting Minnie ear headbands one is definitely not enough. And, once your collection of Disney ears gets going, you need something adorable to showcase them on. So, out of necessity (and a love of crafting!), I’ve created an easy DIY. Here’s how to make a Disney ear holder with a thorough step-by-step tutorial.
Minnie ear headbands are one of my favorite accessories when I’m in the Walt Disney Word parks. And, whether I’m making my own Minnie wire ear headbands or buying the latest style, my collection is now upwards of 40+ pairs. Additionally, I love looking at them, so I wanted to create something that would showcase each pair beautifully. With necessity being the mother of invention, I created a Disney ear holder that’s both adorable and practical. Using supplies from craft stores and Walmart, I was able to find everything I needed. Here’s what you’ll need to buy and what you need to do to make one yourself.
How to Make a Disney Ear Holder – Supplies
Here’s the list of supplies you’ll need to make a Disney ear holder:
- 2 8-inch wooden circular plaques – I bought mine at JoAnn. Look for 50% off coupons.
- A metal/carboard coffee can. If you can find a circular plastic coffee can, that will work as well. I used the largest size possible as I have a LOT of ears!
- White acrylic paint
- Black acrylic paint
- Fabric of your choice
- Fluffy blanket material – enough to double over the coffee can. I found the kind to make homemade throw blankets on sale at JoAnn.
- Matching ribbon
- Hot glue gun
- Glue sticks
- E6000 craft glue
- Paint brush
- Small saw
- Sanding paper
- Safety glasses
- Thick paper
- Pencil
DIY Disney Ear Holder – Step 1

For this step you’ll need your wooden plaques and the coffee can. Make a straight line 1 1/2 inches across with a pencil on both wooden circles and cut with your saw. I used a small hacksaw and it worked well. Please be cautious and use safety glasses.
Tip: My wooden circles are made out of pine. As pine’s a soft wood, it tends to make small dents if your cutting surface is bumpy, so make sure it’s clean before you cut.
Once cut, take the sanding paper and sand the rough edges smooth.
DIY Disney Ear Holder – Step 2

Paint both circles with white acrylic paint. I wanted a really smooth surface, so I gave mine 3 coats to make it super opaque. Allow to dry completely between coats.
DIY Disney Ear Holder – Step 3

While the wooden plaques are drying, work on covering your coffee can. Taking the fluffy material, fold over and measure enough to completely go around the can. Remember, you want two layers of the fluffy material.
Keep the lid on.
Then, using your glue gun, glue each layer down separately. I glued both layers down on the same spot and and made that the bottom of the holder.
Next, do the same thing with the outer material but use only one layer of fabric. Glue down so the seam meets the seam of the fluffy fabric. You want the material tight but no so much that it has permanent creases.
DIY Disney Ear Holder – Step 4

Cut your coordinating ribbon to the length of your coffee can and hot glue over the fabric seam. While, technically, you don’t have to, I like a pretty, finished edge.
DIY Disney Ear Holder – Step 5

Using two circles, one smaller than the other, draw a Mickey head on your paper and cut out. I looked for circles around the house and use them as templates. My circles were 3 inches and 1 3/4 inches in diameter. Recess the smaller circles a little when you’re tracing.
If you’re good at freehand drawing, you could easily draw one as well.
DIY Disney Ear Holder – Step 6

Using a pencil, trace round the outside of the Mickey head on your wooden plaque. You can do both sides of the holder or one. For me, I did just the front side.
DIY Disney Ear Holder – Step 7

Paint the inside of your Mickey with black acrylic paint. If you have a Cricut, you could always print out a sticker of a Mickey head and use it, too. Painting black paint onto a white surface requires at least 4 coats, so this is the step where patience is key. Each coat will smooth out the bottom so, again, take your time.
DIY Mickey Ears Holder – Step 8

Using both E6000 glue and hot glue around the edge of your can and fabric, connect both wooden plaques to your covered coffee can. I find using both glues really helps to keep the plaques secured. Also, make sure the first plaque is completely dried before gluing the other side.
Allow to thoroughly dry before standing upright.
Tip: Make sure the bottom (flat) edges of the wooden circles are facing down, as well as the ribbon seam itself.
DIY Minnie Ears Holder – Step 9
Using either your ribbon or a small piece of material, make a bow and attach using hot glue. Start with the loops and hot glue the ends together. Next, take a smaller piece and wrap around the center, gluing in the back.
And that’s it! You have one adorable Disney holder for your Minnie ears. Mine easily holds five pairs of ears, but if you want to showcase more, connect additional coffee cans together. My tip is to use E6000 and hot glue together and then duct tape around the seams for sturdiness before you cover with fabric.
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