Don’t cry just yet. Yes, your best friend is getting ready to move away, but you both still have plenty of things to do before your bestie moves away. And you’ll have plenty of things to do in their new location, too (I mean, there’s always planes, trains, and automobiles to get you both back and forth!). Before they start packing their bags, you need to get a going-away bucket list together. It’s only right that you both celebrate the time you spent together. Check out these 5 memorable things to do before your bestie moves away.

Things To Do Before Your Bestie Moves Away – Have A Classic Sleepover

You might have done it a million times before, but that makes it even more special. Schedule one of your classic sleepovers but add a twist to it. Remember what made sleepovers so much fun when you were younger (or even last week?)? Include some of those activities during the night to make it both memorable and a way to relive your fun times together.
Get in touch with your inner child and organize your sleepover like you were kids again. Have a dance break during the night and come up with a routine together. Give each other makeovers and spend the night talking about past and potential crushes. Enjoy all your favorite junk foods and take plenty of pictures in your matching pajamas.
Additionally, really go old school and make a list of both of your favorite scary movies when you were younger. Then, pop some popcorn, tuck in, and have a good old scare fest.
Things To Do Before Your Bestie Moves Away – You Only Live Once, So Do That One thing You’ve Always Talked About Doing Now

You’ll plan to see each other again soon, but it’s true that sometimes life gets in the way. Now is the time for you both to do that one thing you’ve always talked about doing. Don’t hold it off any longer. Take the moving date as a sign to act now.
Whether it’s skydiving, going on a glamping trip, or finding a speed dating event, take the leap. As long as you’re together, there’s nothing you can’t do. If you don’t have one thing you both wanted to do together, ask what’s something they wanted to do separately. Then, encourage the other to go after it.
Things To Do Before Your Bestie Moves Away – Hit the Highway on An Epic Road Trip

Take a trip with each other, but not just any trip. In situations like this, an epic road trip would be the best because you can spend time together before the grand departure. Make sure you pack all the essentials for your trip to ensure an amazing adventure and don’t forget to make sure your vehicles is in top condition before heading out on the open road.
You can even use their moving day as your road trip experience. Ride with them to their new home and help them get settled in. As a best friend, it’s your job to inspect the new place and help them put a mark on their home and new town.
Things To Do Before Your Bestie Moves Away – Plan Ahead

A little distance between each other doesn’t mean you will stop being best friends. All it means is now you have a new city where you can create memories together. Start off the process by coming up with a list of things to do when you go out to visit. This activity will help solidify your friendship and remind them that you’re never far away.
Take some time to sit down with each and research your bestie’s new home. See all the things they have to offer and come up with a list of activities you think you’ll enjoy. You can even make a new list for each category. One list for restaurants, another for dance clubs, and one for outdoor activities.
You’ve created so many memories with each other already, and now you have the chance to make more with these things to do before your bestie moves away.
Things To Do Before Your Bestie Moves Away – Make Memory Scrapbooks

Use all of your old printed photographs to make scrapbooks for each other. If you don’t have any printed out, upload some online and have them printed well in advance of the big moving day. I really like the idea of having matching scrapbook covers, but you do you and pick out the best ones for each other.
That way, whenever one of you visits the other, you can add to the books to preserve all of your new memories.