Sometimes, moving into a smaller home is the best option for your lifestyle. From planning to preparing to donating, here’s how to downsize your home.

People downsize for all kinds of reasons. For example, many homeowners search for a smaller house as they approach their golden years. On the other hand, plenty of young couples make this move so they can spend less time at home and more enjoying life. Keep the process simple by following this guide on how to downsize your home.
Create a Plan

Once you decide to buy a new house, create a schedule to ensure you don’t rush yourself. First, you’ll need to sort through what you own and decide what to part with. Try to move room by room so you truly inspect things and best decide what you should keep. Most experts recommend giving yourself at least three months to sort through your belongings so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
Measure the New House

If you’ve already bought a new house or condo, measure the rooms and jot down the dimensions. This will come in handy when you decide what furniture to take with you and what to part with. Some pieces may be too big, and it’s better to find out early than on moving day.
Knowing the size of the new space could also give you a better idea of storage options. Are the closets smaller than what you currently have? Does the home have an area for storage? You may have items you don’t want to part with, but they also may not fit into the smaller home. If this occurs, you can rent a storage unit to keep the belongings somewhere secure.
Donate Unneeded Items

Rather than dispose of gently used items you won’t take, donate them. One of the top reasons to donate furniture is because it helps others. Another family will love your couch as much as you once did and can use it to beautify their home. Plus, donating the items you don’t need can make a move cheaper since there’s less for the movers to transport.
Prepare for Change

The most important tip on how to downsize your home is to get yourself and all household members ready for the life change. Of course, you’ll live in closer quarters, but to many, it’s worth it. With a smaller living space, there’s less to clean and worry about—you can get out more to live in the moment.
Rather than spend all your time inside, get out and explore the beautiful world we live in. Life isn’t about how much stuff we have or how big our house is; it’s about making memories and having incredible experiences.