You will most likely take a lot of gear with you when you go camping, there’s no doubt about it. So, you will need a quality storage space to house it all, which may require some clever thinking on your part. To take plenty of the guesswork out of it, here are 3 easy and clever storage tips for your camping gear to get you on your way to fun.

Camping is a great way to experience the outdoors and its beauty, but there are numerous pieces of gear you’ll need to take with you for comfort and safety. These items may range from a full-sized tent to the smallest flashlight, and storing them is important to prevent loss or damage. Fortunately, there are methods you can use to store and secure your gear and ensure you have easy access.
Compress Your Clothes
Clothing takes up a lot of room in a bag, especially if you just pile them in without proper folding. When your clothes share the same space as other items, there won’t be much space left for additional, important gear. But you can flatten your clothes and create more room by vacuum-sealing the bag.
The bag’s flat shape will make it easier to store your clothes and ensure they don’t stain or rip from other items. Compression bags are a clever storage method for your camping gear and will give you more options for configuring the space in your vehicle and on the campsite. Additionally, they’ll help to keep your clothes fresh and dry and the bags can be rolled and put underneath items when you’re not using them.

Organize and Categorize
Organization is essential when packing your van and setting up your campsite. The best way to organize is to separate items based on their use and type so you can easily locate and use them quickly. Group your food and other ingestible items together when you’re packing and then separate them later if you need to once you get to your destination. Your electronics and other gear will need categorizing, too, by what you’ll need and for what purpose. Personally, I like to keep all of my tech cords in one container so I don’t have to go hunting for them in every place I’ve packed something.
You wouldn’t find the kindling next to the coffee mugs or the first aid kit with the canteens of water; organize and categorize your items for an easy system of storage for camping. Store flashlights and radios in similar containers, so it’s easier to find them as they share the same electronics category.

Utilize the Vehicle when You’re Not Driving
Unless you have a camper van, your vehicle won’t be in use while you camp, leaving you plenty of room to store your items in various places. The glovebox could act as a space for smaller items such as matches or batteries, and the trunk could house larger items such as the cooler or mosquito repellent lamps.
If you have a roof rack, there is plenty of room on top to store items, but you should know how much you can safely store on the roof rack to ensure you don’t damage it or the car. You could also bring a rooftop tent to keep more of your items together and give yourself less to unpack, creating a better-organized storage system.
Keeping your camping gear stored properly will ensure the activities you have planned on your trip go smoothly. Use these 3 tips to create a better storage system and keep your items safe and easy to locate.