Preparing for a new life overseas can be exciting. You’re opening yourself up to new experiences and opportunities. You’re also giving yourself space to learn more about your preferences and needs. With all the activity and trepidation that relocating can garner, it’s easy to forget to include certain things on your moving checklist. Here are eight things you’ll wish you had packed for your big move overseas:

8 Things You’ll Wish You Had Packed For Your Overseas Move – Important Documents
Moving abroad involves a ton of paperwork and documentation. This may include things like your birth certificate, passport, marriage certificate, visa information, and immunization records, among others. If you’re bringing your car with you on your trip, you might also need to provide your car’s registration details and a copy of its official receipt. The best car shipping providers do this to confirm your identity and ensure you’re the true owner of the vehicle. It’s their way of preventing theft from happening to their clients.
Make copies of essential documents and store them in a secure container, like a folder or envelope. You should also consider creating digital copies of important documents to have a backup in case you lose your physical copies. Carry them with you whenever you decide to roam the terrain of another country. If you run into any accidents or issues, you can feel easy knowing that you have some form of identification to show to authorities.
8 Things You’ll Wish You Had Packed For Your Big Overseas Move – Electronics and Adapters
Don’t forget to pack your phone, laptop, camera, and other electronics in your carry-on suitcase. This makes it easier for you to fish things out of your bag when you need them. You’ll likely come across sceneries and activities that you’ll want to document for memory’s sake. Avoid inconveniencing yourself by making things as accessible to you as possible.
Make sure to research what plug and outlet types are available in the country you’re moving to. For instance, if you plan to travel to Africa, you should know that they operate on a 230V supply voltage and 50Hz. This is quite different from the usual 120V supply voltage and 60Hz people have in the United States. They also use different plug types, which are types C, D, M, and N—whereas in the U.S., people use types A and B.
To protect your electronics, invest in a high-quality type C, D, M, and N adapter. You can get it once you land, or you can choose to buy it ahead and pack it along with the rest of your gadgets.
8 Things You’ll Wish You Had Packed For Your Big Overseas Move – A Change of Clothes
Most international flights take days and several layovers. If you don’t want to arrive at your destination all disheveled, packing a change of clothes in your carry-on luggage is a must. You can freshen up and change clothes in the lavatory on the plane. You can also do that in the restrooms at the airport during stopovers.
While talking about hygiene, you should also pack a few personal essentials in your bag. These include a toothbrush, some toothpaste, some soap, sanitizer, makeup, facial cleansers, etc. You can add or remove things from the list according to your needs.
8 Things You’ll Wish You Had Packed For Your Big Overseas Move – Portable Battery Pack
If it’s a long way from the airport to your new home, expect that you won’t have enough time to stop over somewhere to charge your gadgets. A portable battery pack can come in handy while you’re on the road. It can charge your phone batteries when it’s run out of power; it can also charge other electronics such as flashlights, smartwatches, and others.
For those traveling great distances, getting a battery pack with at least 20,000mAh can last you longer. But if you aren’t traveling that far, a small 5,000mAh to 10,000mAh battery pack should be enough.
8 Things You’ll Wish You Had Packed For Your Big Overseas Move – First-aid Kit
You never know when you might run into an emergency. Carrying a first-aid kit ensures you’ll have everything you need in case of minor injuries or accidents. Stock up on prescription medications, daily vitamins, and antihistamines. If you’re someone who experiences motion sickness, packing a few sleeves of Dramamine will do you good.
8 Things You’ll Wish You Had Packed For Your Big Move Overseas – Small Appliances
Bringing small appliances such as printers, vacuums, and microwaves might not seem like the best idea. However, it can save you hundreds, even thousands, of dollars down the road. If you don’t have a huge sum to work with during your move, it might not be a good idea to get rid of all your appliances.
8 Things You’ll Wish You Had Packed For Your Big Overseas Move – Kindle or Books
Long flights can easily get boring, which is why you’ll want something to entertain you throughout your trip. Reading can be an entertaining alternative to watching the movies the flight has prepared for you. If you don’t want to add extra weight to your baggage, you might want to invest in a Kindle. This slim gadget can easily fit into your carry-on luggage without adding too much weight. You can also fit thousands of titles into a single electronic, so you can avoid the bulk of physical books.
8 Things You’ll Wish You Had Packed For Your Big Overseas Move – Familiar Items
While every person’s experience varies from those of others, it’s wise to expect your first few months in a foreign country to be tough. Taking a piece of home with you on your trip can help you feel more at ease while you adjust to your new surroundings. It doesn’t have to be anything big—it just needs to have a significant meaning in your life. For some people, this could be their favorite record or painting. Find out what your familiar item is and carry it with you during your move.
8 Things You’ll Wish You Had Packed For Your Big Move Overseas – Final Thoughts
Moving into an entirely different country is a big step in every person’s life. You want to be fully prepared for it to avoid inconveniences. Make sure to pack all your essentials before you embark on your journey. Take inspiration from the list provided above. Adjust it according to your preferences and needs. Hopefully, it’ll help you organize your packing checklist and prevent you from forgetting anything important back home. Good luck with this next milestone!